
Badminton is a great sport for all ages and a lot of fun. If you are interested in trying it out, then please come and join us on one of the club evenings. New players are always welcome and all levels from beginners to the more experienced. We do not use bookings of courts, but just play with those who are present.  Depending on how many turn up, we usually start the evening playing doubles, so that as many as possible can get as much playing as possible. Later there will always be plenty of chance for singles. If you see people waiting, then please also give others a chance to play. As a general rule: Doubles have priority and after one game consisting of 2 or 3 sets, if you see others waiting, then please leave the court and let the others play.

The only thing you have to do is to bring your own racket and good spirit. If you don’t have a racket yet, you can borrow one from the club to try out the first time. You do not need to bring your own shuttles, they are provided by the club.

Feel free to join the Whatsap group of the club here:

Health and Safety Policy (Important)

All club members shall:

  • make sure they are adequately insured for personal injury and third party liability
  • fully understand any risks involved in the club activities

It shall be noted that neither the Badminton club, nor SSCC, nor ESA is liable for personal injury or damage to the member’s property during normal club activities, notwithstanding reasonable expectations that those parties will conduct their business in a safe environment.

When you are present in the main sport all, please make sure you respect the following rules to limit the risks of accidents:

  • Do not walk close to other badminton courts when people are playing! Pay attention to not overlap the lines as it is dangerous both for you and for the players who may not see you when running backwards.
  • If you are playing and you think a person or an object (e,g, table tennis ball) is too close to a badminton field, stop playing immediately and inform the other parties about the situation.
  • When playing please pay attention to the position of your opponent before making aggressive attacks (smash). If the opponent is close to the net, better stop the rallye or loose the point than smashing in their head! Take the time to explain the safe positioning rules to your opponent (always side by side when defending in double, and a bit in the back in single games) and play the point again.
  • When playing badminton in double, during a rally, never turn around to look behind you.
  • If someone wants to play football next to your field because there is space, do NOT let them.
  • Use eyewear protections.

Should you have any safety related question or issue you may contact the ESCAPE manager.

Playing Times

– 2 courts on the right
– all 5 courts
Thursday17h00-19h00– only the center court
Sunday15h00-17h00– center and the 2 courts on the right

All in the ESCAPE main hall.

How to become a member

Come and join us on one of the club evenings and just ask any of the people there. It is best to do it on Tuesdays, then there is the best chance to find more people there. You can also contact any of the persons listed below.

If you enjoy it and you want to play more often, become member of the Badminton Club by paying your membership fee:

Membership Fee:Single member: 12 Euro (plastic shuttles are included)
Single member incl. regular use of feather shuttles: 25 Euro
Family Fee : 24 Euro
Family Fee incl. regular use of feather shuttles: 37 Euro
Bank Account:DE86 3701 9000 1010 5792 84 CONTACT US, the current bank account is unavailable

Please also send a note to the treasurer (with a copy to the chairperson) with information about your estec address (including email address) and amount paid.

The fee covers a whole season from July to June (since the fee is so modest, the full fee is payable no matter whether you just play a few months or the entire season). In fact the fee is the same as it was when the club started in 1968!